Effective and efficient differentiation

Product and service differentiation benefits a company at product or service launch (initial and follow-up), new territory expansion, and acquisition of a new capability. Aligning with your best customers, building efficiently and reaching a scalable model are key objectives.

Effective and efficient differentiation can be achieved by aligning your best customers with your operations through the sales and marketing organization as a single unit.

  • How do our customers perceive our service?

  • What about our service needs to change to maximize its value to the customer?

  • What should we offer as core versus a customized service?

Sales, marketing and operations learning curve – the Unit Life Sciences approach to differentiation


  • How does the customer buy services like ours?

  • How long does the buying process take?

  • Do we have the proper mix of sales representatives for our stage of maturation?


  • Is our target market turning out as we thought initially?

  • Are there particular segments of the market that we should target as a priority?

  • Are we gathering intelligence that allows us to create resonant communications and is our approach measurably successful?


  • Is our service sufficiently well aligned with what our best customers tell us they want?

  • Are we delivering our service according to the industry and regulatory expectations of our target markets?

  • Can we deliver our service with the capacity and profitability expected by our budgets?